
The not so subtle beauty of Red

Anamitra Sen
1 min readApr 5, 2020

Red, not just a color but a statement in itself. The color represents plethora of emotions, meanings and deep seated symbolic roots. The greatest writers of the world have used this pigment to paint the picture of so many moods.

From love to rage to lust to warning, its symbolical significance goes way back to the prehistorical times.

From Draupadi’s blood soaked footsteps from the famous “Cheer Haran” scene from the epic Mahabharat, to Voldemort’s bloodshot ghastly snake like red eyes from Harry Potter, the pigment with the longest wavelength just cannot be ignored.

Its dominant nature always achieves to steal the show. Wearing anything in red- be it a classic red lipstick (such as MAC’s iconic Ruby Woo!), or a red Sari or a dress, it always creates a mark.

So, here is a post just dedicated to this beautiful pigment, and its not so subtle presence in my life. The following filmstrip of photographs consists of a few shots I took while I was out (before the lock down, of course) and about.

